Film Archive Photo Galleries Directors
Skábmagovat 2024

Wanna Icipus Kupi / Coming Home

Canada 2023
No screenings. Part of previous festival's programme.

The Sixties Scoop (1951–1984) was an assimilation project led by the Canadian federal and provincial governments to eradicate indigenous identity. More than 20,000 children were taken from their families into various foster care systems in North America and abroad. The documentary provides background to the phenomenon and takes viewers behind the scenes of the related TV series, Little Bird. Directors Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers and Zoe Hopkins as well as the rest of the production team share their thoughts on trauma and recovery.

Director Erica Daniels (cree, ojibway)
Credits Writers: Erica Daniels (cree/ojibway), Kim Wheeler
Running time 88 min
Rating G
Language English
Year 2023
Country Canada

Erica Daniels