Rekister- da teâttsuejjčiõʹlǧǧõs
Tät lij Sääʹmčeäppõõzz tuärjjõhttõs rõ EU õõlmâs teâttsuejjasetõõzz (GDPR) meâldlaž rekister- da teâttsuejjčiõʹlǧǧõs. Tuejjuum 18.10.2023, mââimõs muuttâs 18.10.2023.
1. Rekistertuõʹllʼjeei
Skammkaart / Sääʹmčeäppõõzz tuärjj rõ
Sääʹmkulttuurkõõskõs Sajos
Menesjärventie 2
99870 Aanar
2. Rekisteeʹrest vaʹstteei õhttvuõttooumaž
Aimo Aikio
+358 40 0164 198
3. Rekisteeʹr nõmm
Čõõnâsjoukkrekister (jieʹllikartt-tuejjeei, teâđtemneävv di jiõččtäättla tuâjjla)
Oummui vueʹzzeld noorât taarb mieʹldd täid teâđaid:
- ouddnõmm da sokknõmm
- õhttvuõtt-teâđ
- meerlažvuõtt
- ooumažnââmar leʹbe šõddâmäiʹǧǧ
- veʹrǧǧ- / ämmatnõmmõk
- tuâjjpäiʹǩǩ leʹbe organisaatio
4. Lääʹǩǩvuâđđ da persoonteâđai ǩiõttʼtõõllmõõžž mieʹrr
EU õõlmâs teâttsuejjasetõõzz meâldla lääʹǩǩvuâđ persoonteâđai ǩiõttʼtõõllmõʹšše lie
– oummu miâsttmõš (dokumentõsttum, jiõččtäättlaž, jeärtõllum, teâđlaž da õõutčiõlggsaž)
– rekistertuõʹllʼjeei vuõiggõttum ouddõs (äʹššneǩ-kõskkvuõtt ouddâl suåppmõõžž jieʹllikartt-tuejjeeʹjivuiʹm di jiõččtäättlaž tuâjjlai rekrytâsttmõš).
Persoonteâđai ǩiõttʼtõõllmõõžž mieʹrr lij õhttvuõđ välddmõš čõõnâsjooukid da äʹššneǩ-kõskkvuõđ tuõʹllʼjummuš.
Teâđaid jeät õnnu automatisõsttum tuʹmmjemtuõjju, profilâʹsttma leʹbe markknâʹsttma.
5. Rekisteeʹr teâttsiiskõs
Teâđ, koid ruõkkât rekisteera, lie: oummu nõmm, sââʹjj, põõrǥâs/organisaatio, õhttvuõtt-teâđ (teʹlfon-nââmar, neʹttpååʹštaddrõs, addrõs), jeeʹres äʹššneǩ-kõskkvuõʹtte da tiʹllʼjum kääzzkõõzzid õhttneei teâđ.
Neʹttseiddõõzz kõʹllʼjeeʹji IP-addrõõzzid da kääzzkõõzz toiʹmmjummša vieʹltʼteʹmes jeäʹvstõõzzid ǩiõttʼtõõlât vuõiggõttum ouddõõzz vuâđald jm. teâttstaanâst huõl ââʹnnem diõtt da seiddõõzz kõʹllʼjeeʹji statistikkteâđai noorrâm vääras tõin vuõʹjjin, ko vueiʹtet ǩiõččâd, što tõk lie persoonteâđ. Kuälmad vueʹsspieʹli jeäʹvstõõzzid raaukât taarb mieʹldd miâsttmõõžž jeäʹrben.
6. Vuâkkõõzzmeâldla teâttkääiv
Teâđaid, koid ruõkkât rekisteera, vuäǯǯat äʹššneeʹǩǩest jm. www-lomaakkivuiʹm vuõlttuum saaǥǥin, neʹttpooʹštin, teʹlfoonâst, sosiaalʼlaž media kääzzkõõzzi pääiʹǩ, suåppmõõžžin, äʹššneǩ-kaaunõõttmõõžžin da jeeʹres vuõʹjjin, koin äʹššneǩ luõvat teâđees.
Põrggsi da jeeʹres organisaatioi õhttvuõttoummui teâđaid vueiʹtet noorrâd še õõlmâs teâttkääivain mâʹte neʹttseeidain, ooccâmlisttkääzzkõõzzin da jeeʹres põrggsin.
7. Teâđai vuâkkõõzzmeâldlaž luõvtummuž da teâđai serddmõš Euroopp unioon leʹbe Euroopp tällõsvuuʹd åålǥpeälla
Teâđaid jeät luõvtuku vuâkkõõzzmeâldlânji jeeʹres toiʹmmjeeʹjid. Teâđaid vueiʹtet kuuitâǥ õlmstâʹtted tõin vueʹzzin ko nuʹtt lij suåppum äʹššniiʹǩǩin da tõk lie kääzzkõõzz toiʹmmjummša vieʹltʼteeʹm.
Rekistertuõʹllʼjeei vuäitt seʹrdded še teâđaid Euroopp unioon leʹbe Euroopp tällõsvuuʹd åålǥpeälla. Teâđaid jeät sirddu Õhttõõvvâmvaaʹldid rekisterõsttum oummui jeäʹrab miâsttmõõžžtää. Õõʹnni preemm vueʹlnn leʹddi paaiʹǩid, ko preemm seeidai jeäʹvstõõzzi âânnmõõžž.
Ââʹnnep seeidaineen täid kääzzkõõzzid: Google Forms, Google Analytics di Meta.
Teâđai serddmõš leʹbe luõvtummuš Euroopp unioon leʹbe Euroopp tällõsvuuʹd åålǥpeälla, ko ââʹnet Google Forms di Google Analytics -kääzzkõõzzid:
- Kõõččmõõžžâst åårrai kääzzkõõzzin leʹddi persoonteâđaid vueiʹtet seʹrdded EU åålǥpeälla. Google jääʹǩǩat EU-komissio põõššiciâlkõõǥǥid, ko täʹǩǩad tarbbsallaš teâttsuej tääʹzz, ko persoonteâđaid seeʹrdet EU åålǥpeälla. Sääʹmčeäppõõzz tuärjjõhttõs lij priimmâm Googlein EU-põõššiciâlkõõǥǥ suåppmõõžžâs teâttsuej lââʹssmääinaid. Lââʹssteâđ Google Form -kääzzkõõzz noorrâm persoonteâđain kaaunak addrõõzzâst
Teâđai serddmõš leʹbe luõvtummuš Euroopp unioon leʹbe Euroopp tällõsvuuʹd åålǥpeälla, ko ââʹnet Meta kääzzkõõzzid:
- Meta noorrâm teâđast kaaunak tääʹrǩab teâđ addrõõzzâst
8. Rekisteeʹr suejjummuž vuâđđjurddi
Rekisteeʹr ǩiõttʼtõõllmest jääʹǩǩtet tääʹrǩesvuõđ, da teâđaid, koid ǩiõttʼtõõlât teâttriâžldõõǥǥi veäkka, suejjeet ääʹššmeâldlânji. Ko rekisterteâđaid seeiltet Internet-serveeʹri âʹlnn, tõi aparaatti fyyslaž da digitaalʼlaž teâttstaanâst ââʹnet huõl äššakuulli naaʹlin. Rekistertuõʹllʼjeei âânn huõl tõʹst, što ruõkkam teâđaid di serveeʹri ââʹnnemvuõiggâdvuõđid da jeeʹres persoonteâđai staanvuõđ peäʹlnn kriittlaž teâđaid ǩiõttʼtõõlât snäätnainalla da tõid ǩiõttʼtâʹlle tåʹlǩ tõk tuâjjla, kooi tuâjjkoʹvve tõt kooll.
9. Täʹrǩstemvuõiggâdvuõtt da vuõiggâdvuõtt kaiʹbbjed teâđ koʹrjjummuž
Juõʹǩǩ rekisteeʹrest leʹddi oummust lij vuõiggâdvuõtt täʹrǩsted rekisteera ruõkkum teâđees da kaiʹbbjed vueiʹtlvaž vââǥǥlaž teâđ koʹrjjummuž leʹbe vännas teâđ tiuddummuž. Jõs ooumaž haaʹlad täʹrǩsted suʹst ruõkkum teâđaid leʹbe kaiʹbbjed tõid vuõiǥõõzz, raukkmõõžž âlgg vuõltteed neʹttpooʹštin rekistertuõʹllʼjeeja. Rekistertuõʹllʼjeei vuäitt raukkâd taarb mieʹldd raukkmõõžž raukki oummu tuõđšted identiteeʹttes. Rekistertuõʹllʼjeei vaʹsttad äʹššnekka Euroopp unioon teâttsuejjasetõõzzâst šiõttuum ääiʹj seʹst (väʹlddvuâkkõõzz mieʹldd määnpââʹj seʹst).
10. Jeeʹres persoonteâđai ǩiõttʼtõõllma õhttneei vuõiggâdvuõđ
Rekisteeʹrest leʹddi oummust lij vuõiggâdvuõtt raukkâd suu kuõskki persoonteâđai jaukkummuž rekisteeʹrest (“vuõiggâdvuõtt šõddâd väljdõttum”). Niin ikään rekisteröidyillä on muut EU:n yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen mukaiset oikeudet kuten henkilötietojen käsittelyn rajoittaminen tietyissä tilanteissa. Raukkmõõžžid âlgg vuõltteed neʹttpooʹštin rekistertuõʹllʼjeeja. Rekistertuõʹllʼjeei vuäitt raukkâd taarb mieʹldd raukkmõõžž raukki oummu tuõđšted identiteeʹttes. Rekistertuõʹllʼjeei vaʹsttad äʹššnekka Euroopp unioon teâttsuejjasetõõzzâst šiõttuum ääiʹj seʹst (väʹlddvuâkkõõzz mieʹldd määnpââʹj seʹst).
This privacy statement was last updated on 15.01.2024 and applies to citizens and legal permanent residents of the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with the data we obtain about you via We recommend you carefully read this statement. In our processing we comply with the requirements of privacy legislation. That means, among other things, that:
- we clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this by means of this privacy statement;
- we aim to limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data required for legitimate purposes;
- we first request your explicit consent to process your personal data in cases requiring your consent;
- we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require this from parties that process personal data on our behalf;
- we respect your right to access your personal data or have it corrected or deleted, at your request.
If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what data we keep of you, please contact us.
1. Purpose, data and retention period
We may collect or receive personal information for a number of purposes connected with our business operations which may include the following: (click to expand)1.1 Compiling and analyzing statistics for website improvement.
1.1 Compiling and analyzing statistics for website improvement.
For this purpose we use the following data:
- Internet activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer's interaction with an Internet Web site, application, or advertisement
- Geolocation data
The basis on which we may process these data is:
Upon the provision of consent.
Retention period
Upon termination of the service we retain this data for the following period: 24.
1.2 Contact - Through phone, mail, email and/or webforms
1.2 Contact - Through phone, mail, email and/or webforms
For this purpose we use the following data:
- A first and last name
- A home or other physical address, including street name and name of a city or town
- An email address
- A telephone number
The basis on which we may process these data is:
Upon the provision of consent.
Retention period
We retain this data until the service is terminated.
1.3 Registering an account
1.3 Registering an account
For this purpose we use the following data:
- Account name or alias
- An email address
The basis on which we may process these data is:
Upon the provision of consent.
Retention period
We retain this data until the service is terminated.
2. Sharing with other parties
We only share or disclose this data to processors for the following purposes:
3. Cookies
Our website uses cookies. For more information about cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.
4. Disclosure practices
We disclose personal information if we are required by law or by a court order, in response to a law enforcement agency, to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information, or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety.
If our website or organisation is taken over, sold, or involved in a merger or acquisition, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and will be passed on to the new owners.
We have concluded a data Processing Agreement with Google.
5. Security
We are committed to the security of personal data. We take appropriate security measures to limit abuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. This ensures that only the necessary persons have access to your data, that access to the data is protected, and that our security measures are regularly reviewed.
6. Third-party websites
This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites connected by links on our website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend you read the privacy statements of these websites prior to making use of these websites.
7. Amendments to this privacy statement
We reserve the right to make amendments to this privacy statement. It is recommended that you consult this privacy statement regularly in order to be aware of any changes. In addition, we will actively inform you wherever possible.
8. Accessing and modifying your data
If you have any questions or want to know which personal data we have about you, please contact us. You can contact us by using the information below. You have the following rights:
- You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what will happen to it, and how long it will be retained for.
- Right of access: You have the right to access your personal data that is known to us.
- Right to rectification: you have the right to supplement, correct, have deleted or blocked your personal data whenever you wish.
- If you give us your consent to process your data, you have the right to revoke that consent and to have your personal data deleted.
- Right to transfer your data: you have the right to request all your personal data from the controller and transfer it in its entirety to another controller.
- Right to object: you may object to the processing of your data. We comply with this, unless there are justified grounds for processing.
Please make sure to always clearly state who you are, so that we can be certain that we do not modify or delete any data of the wrong person.
9. Submitting a complaint
If you are not satisfied with the way in which we handle (a complaint about) the processing of your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.
10. Contact details
Skábmagovat / Saamelaistaiteen tuki ry
Saamelaiskulttuurikeskus Sajos
Menesjärventie 2
Phone number: +358400164198