Film Archive Photo Galleries Directors
Skábmagovat 2024


Sámi/Finnish 2023
No screenings. Part of previous festival's programme.

Iida, an elderly Skolt Sámi woman, has abandoned her culture under the pressures of assimilation When she has to return to clear out her childhood home, she’s forced to confront her painful memories and the choices she’s made.When she has to return to clear out her childhood home, she’s forced to confront her painful memories and the choices she’s made. The film weaves across three different historical eras to examine the fate of Finland’s indigenous peoples in the post-war period. Director in attendance.

Director Katja Gauriloff (Sámi)
Running time 100 min
Rating G
Language Skolt Sámi, Finnish
Subtitles English
Year 2023
Country Sámi/Finnish

Katja Gauriloff