Film Archive Photo Galleries Directors
Skábmagovat 2024

Bones of Crows

Canada 2023
No screenings. Part of previous festival's programme.
Nainen keskustelemassa autossa olevien lapsien kanssa.

Nordic premiere

Cree child Aline and her siblings are separated from their family and struggle to survive in Canada’s residential school system. The epic fiction draws a picture of the transgenerational trauma that has been passed down and accumulated since the 19th century. Aline grows up from a child to a matriarch, and it’s a touching story of resilience, survival and the pursuit of justice. Actress Gail Maurice in attendance.

Director Marie Clements (métis/dene)
Running time 129 min
Rating G
Language English, Cree
Subtitles English
Year 2023
Country Canada

Marie Clements